Base pay rates for customs agent`s services

  Service Description Price/RUR
1 Customs clearance in accordance with declared treatment - IMORTATION 14 000
2 Customs clearance in accordance with declared treatment -EXPORTATION 9 000
3 Customs clearance of each additional item (pos. 1,2) 800
4 Customs clearance of each additional item (pos. 1,2) if completition of list 100
5 Execution of adjustment 3 000
6 Customs clearance of item costs more than 7 000 000,00 RUR 0,2% of cost
7 Customs clearance in accordance with declared treatment – TRANSPORTATION OF STORES 6 000
8 Customs clearance  of imported fish products of personal catching  (one item)  7 000
9 Customs clearance of each additional item (pos. 8) 500
10 Inspection of cargo subject to customs processing (per 1 hour) 600
11 Execution of  Certificate of guarantee 3 000
12 Calculation and execution of periodical payments 500
13 Execution of bill of landing,CMR, invoice, loading order etc. 800
14 Translation of documents (per one sheet) 1 000
15 Verbal advice (30 min) 1 000
16 Drafting of letters, documents  ( which includes projects) per one sheet 1 500
17 Execution of documents  in PKVP, phyto-sanitary control,  Health Inspection Services etc., (per one document) 2 000

Payment for  rendering of service/work wich is not shown in the price-list and if customs clearance is held in distant customs station will be made on a negotiable basis.

Payment for execution of order at the week-end, during the late evening (after 17:30), and as a matter of urgency will be made according to double tariff.

Service fee is exempt from VAT.

2025  KMT-Service, LLC