LLC “KMT-Service” was found in 1993.  On 13th of October 1994 our company got the status of general customhouse broker and began its activity in the field of services for custom clearance. From 2004 LLC “KMT-Service” is licensed customhouse broker (representative). Now our company is the oldest company in the market of rendering services in custom sphere of Murmansk region, and also it is the only regional company. 

Circle of our clients consists of   a wide range of fish, oil-and-gas, mountain industry plants, transport, government facilities and municipal institution. 

From 2006 our company has been operating as a carrier in the international traffic and we have Certificate of admission to the implementation of the International Road Transport. Besides, we have been rendering forwarding services for delivering cargo via port of Rotterdam (the Netherlands) for the last 3 years. 

From 2006 to 2008 we collaborated with “Expro Eurasia Limited” (Great Britain) in the part of custom clearance of a wide range of experimental drilling equipment. 

In 2011 our company provided custom clearance of construction equipment for building a drilling platform “Prirazlomnaya” within a framework of FSUE “Sevmash” We have been continuing our collaboration with that plant since 2004 – from the moment the British drilling platform “Hutton” was imported to Russia for the further remodeling in the order of processing, including all complex of custom clearance connected with aspects of different customs procedures. 

Last years “KMT-Service” has been cooperating closely with companies providing bottom dredging works in the northern sea fields like Badaratskaya Guba and Obskaya Guba.  A huge experience in clearance of cargoes and vessels for Russian and foreign companies such as “Van Oord” (the Netherlands), “Jun de Nul” (Belgium)   was gathered during these years. 

All above mentioned let positively confirm that qualification of our stuff and reputation of company allow to solve any task in the part of custom processing.

Yours faithfully,

Director-general of LLC ‘KMT-Service’ 

Florovsky Nikita  

2025  KMT-Service, LLC